Tag Archives: brussel sprouts

Parmesan Brussel Sprouts



So easy and so tasty.


1 package of shredded brussel sprouts

1/3 c. olive oil

1/2 c. shredded Parmesan cheese


Preheat oven to 425. Place the brussel sprouts in a large baking sheet and spread out. Mix with the olive oil, salt and pepper.

Bake for about 30  minutes, turning the pan and tossing the sprouts once.

Top with Parmesan cheese and return to oven to melt the cheese.

Brussel Sprouts & Pancetta



This was super easy and very tasty.


1 lb. brussel sprouts, trimmed and cut in half lengthwise

3 oz. diced pancetta

2 garlic cloves, minced

3/4 c. chicken broth


Boil the brussel sprouts in salted water for about 4 minutes. Drain.

In a frying pan, brown the pancetta in some olive oil.

Add the garlic and cook until barely browned.

Add the brussel sprouts and brown them in the skillet.

Season with salt and pepper.

Add the broth and simmer until the broth reduces and coats the Brussel sprouts.

Parmesan’d Brussel Sprouts



This was an excellent way to enjoy brussel sprouts! They hardest part was having the time to do this!


1 lb. brussel sprouts, cut in half

Olive oil

1/4 c. breadcrumbs

1/2 c. grated parmesan cheese

Salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste


Preheat the oven to 400. I used my oven on convection mode – it seems to cook them more evenly and quicker.

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.

Place the sprouts in a foil covered baking sheet.

Cook for about 40 minutes, or until done (check it at 30 minutes).

Brussels Caesar



Here’s a great twist on the traditional Caeser salad…and it’s delicious!


1 lb. brussel sprouts, thinly sliced

1/3 c. mayonnaise

1/2 t. Dijon mustard

3/4 t. Worchestershire sauce

2 T. lemon juice

1/2 t. minced garlic

6 anchovies packed in oil – oil included

Dash of hot sauce

Shredded parmesan cheese


Heat some olive oil in a pan. Add the sprouts and cook until they are golden brown.

Put them in a bowl.

In the meantime, using a food processor, all the other ingredients (except the parmesan cheese) and puree until smooth.

Dress the brussel sprouts with the dressing and sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on top.


Garlic Brussel Sprouts



Tasty and easy! My kind of side dish!


1 lb Brussel Sprouts, cut in half

2 cloves minced garlic

Olive oil

Sea salt

Cayenne pepper (optional)


Preheat the oven to 400.

Boil the brussel sprouts for a few minutes until slightly tender.

Drain and put in a bowl. Add the garlic,olive oil and cayenne and mix it altogether.

Place the brussel sprouts in a casserole dish and spread out.

Sprinkle the salt over them.

Cook them for about 20 minutes or until they start to brown. If it’s taking too long to brown after the 20 minutes, turn the broiler on and carefully broil them until brown and crunchy (be careful not to burn them!)